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Brucoli is an insider's tip by Signora Allegra, owner of Villa Allegra (holiday home at Vaccarizzo / Catania)



Brucoli is an insider's tip by Signora Allegra, owner of Villa Allegra (holiday home at Vaccarizzo / Catania)

Brucoli - authentic fishing village

Brucoli, which you can still call a typical fishing village, is located on the east coast of Sicily, 15 km from Vaccarizzo and 25 km from Catania. Along the sea, you find limestone cliffs alternating with grottos, bays and small beaches.

Once only a fishing village, Brucoli today is also a seaside and snorkeling resort. Right by the sea lie a lot of restaurants and bars. Even younger Italians like to stop by, especially at the weekends.

Brucoli's center, however, has preserved its authenticity. It is marked by small fishermen's houses, many well restored and meanwhile rented out as tourist accommodations or harboring restaurants typical of the region.

The 15th century fortress, built as a means of protection against pirate attacks, is worth a closer look.

The small fishing boats you see rocking to and fro at the harbor are still used for daily fishing today.
From Brucoli harbor, there are boat connections to the mainland.

It is the lively atmosphere which makes for the flair at Brucoli, especially in the evenings.




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